School sponserships
(► "Our projects")
Unfortunately, we cannot continue the school sponsorships of the children in Kolkata. All sponsors in Switzerland have been informed accordingly.
However, a solution was found for the school sponsorships in the countryside. Thanks to the help of a former teacher of our projects and digital media, we were able to contact all sponsored students and transfer the school fees.

Hashi attends college which is a rarity for a girl whose family belongs to the Adivasi, the indigenous people of India. Thanks to ‘we care’, she can continue her education to become a teacher.
The very committed teacher mentioned above will monitor the sponsorships and pass on the necessary information to us. However, we also take the young people themselves into account as they have to send us their school reports and an annual report which is then forwarded to the sponsors.
We want to be able to complete these sponsorships. The young people are motivated and eager to finish their studies. They all come from very poor families, some of them from indigenous families, and are aware that only education can free them from poverty.
We will only take on new sponsorships in urgent cases.
‘We care’ clarifies with the parents of the sponsored children how they can improve their income. Since most of the parents have no school education, the possibilities are very limited: A sewing machine for the mother? A cow or a goat? A loan for a small shop or tea stall?
No donations are used for the ‘we care’ homepage.